Transformative Dance Facilitators Training
Summer Intensive
with Hadas Fisher-Oren
2-10.8.25 Berlin
Learning and experiencing, Free-Form Dance, movement,
non-verbal expression and the art of holding space for dance with Hadas Fisher-Oren.
The training program includes
* 8 days of Transformative Dance and practice
* VOD course - 27 video lessons
* Exercise video library
* 1 online follow up group session
Day 1
2.8 10:00-16:00
An intro for Free-Form dance and the art of holding space for
Day 2
3.8 10:00-16:00
Facilitation, Improvisation and Authentic Movement.
Day 3
4.8 10:00-16:00
Body Mind and Embodiment
Day 4
5.8 9:00-15:00
Trance and Rituals in dance,
Circles and Groups
* 6.8 - Taking a day off *
Day 5
7.8 9:00-15:00
Free Form Dance
Guidelines of facilitation
Day 6
8.8 12:00-16:00
Body of facilitation - practice
Day 7
9.8 10:00-16:00
Creative Practice of the students
Day 8
10.8 10:00-16:00
Vision Mind Map and Integration
* A significant experience in expressive, conscious, or any
other kind of Free-Form Dance practice.
* Group experience and ability for team work.
The Summer Intensive is limited to 18 participants only,
in order to promise the quality of the learning and the practice .
Registration Process
1.Send us an email and fill in the application form +
2 personal references (letters of recommendations)
2. online conversation with Hadas
3. Saving a spot by paying 300€ deposit and signing the
Early bird Fee - 1,100 €
Fee, after the 1.5.25 - 1,250 €